STARTS 10 November – Starfish – a movie about sepsis survival – British Film Festival (Australia)

British Film Festival 2020 (Australia) Palace Cinema’s – 10 to 29 November’ 20 Based on the tragic true story of Tom Ray from Rutland, Tom (Tom Riley) lives an ‘ordinary’ life; he is a writer, a doting stay-at-home father to…

Life after sepsis: a guide for survivors, carers and bereaved families

A new Australian resource is now available to provide information and guidance for sepsis survivors, their friends, families and carers, and bereaved families to help them navigate the often challenging post sepsis period. See: ASN Life After Sepsis (v1.1) 12102020…

Prime Minister Scott Morrison recognises World Sepsis Day

Thank you Prime Minister Scott Morrison MP for recognising #sepsis on #worldsepsisday. Many Australian survivors and families impacted by sepsis know the true burden & have been working hard for improved action & awareness. Action on sepsis saves lives, limbs…

World Sepsis Congress ‘SPOTLIGHT’: Sepsis Pandemics and Antimicrobial Resistance – On Demand

World Sepsis Congress ‘SPOTLIGHT’: Sepsis Pandemics and Antimicrobial Resistance – Global Threats of the 21st Century – has concluded. All sessions will be released from 15 September. To access the on demand videos see:

Another tragic and preventable death from Sepsis

Failure to recognise and treat sepsis results in another tragic and preventable death. Statement by The George Institute for Global Health Australian Sepsis Network. The Queensland Office of the Health Ombudsman (OHO) has concluded that ‘systemic failures’ played a role…