World Sepsis Day 2023 – Global Event

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The WSD 23 Global Event will be held on 12 September in Berlin.

Since the founding of the World Sepsis Day movement in 2012 and the adoption of WHA Resolution 70.7 five years later, sepsis awareness has increased significantly worldwide and the fight against sepsis has made tangible progress. The recent commitment by G7 health ministers to “advance the implementation of the WHA resolution” and “intensify efforts to strengthen early detection, diagnosis and treatment of sepsis and ensure synergies with antimicrobial stewardship programs and IPC” is another historic milestone and a quantum leap in the fight against these global health threats.

Yet few countries have made sepsis a priority for their health systems, as called for in the WHO sepsis resolution, and are not yet taking advantage of synergies with the fight against AMR. Unfortunately, this is not only the case in areas where sepsis incidence and AMR problems are highest, such as Africa and South-East Asia. This is why the implementation of the demands in the G7 Health Ministers’ Communiqué is so important.

The aim of this event is:

  • to underpin the urgent need for implementation of these demands at national and international level;
  • to demonstrate what health systems strengthening and health literacy interventions for sepsis prevention and early detection in civil society have contributed to reducing the number of preventable deaths from sepsis; and
  • to demonstrate what contribution innovations in the field of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infections and sepsis can make to our goal: “Zero preventable deaths from sepsis”.

All are welcome to register and participate for free online or if possible in person in Berlin.

For more information and registration please see: